четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

composite ui application block

...but there is in my favorite four letter word.

Nothing eventful today. Couldnapos;t sleep at night again, so lame as I am I�decided to do some coding. I was working on getting the information about the thermal vacuum test images to write this report, then I�find out today that thereapos;s a stack of papers which describes them all, but then some of the papers lie? So, Iapos;m still a little unsure of what to do about this.

I got my first REAL�call for the ACS/WFPC2 help desk today, but it was something easy. Well, easy for an awesome opossum like me (not that Iapos;m really a opossum...if I WERE�an animal, Iapos;m sure Iapos;d be some kind of jungle cat or something, but I�digress...). It was about a zeropoint for the Solar Blind Channel and, of course, those arenapos;t published on our website�Go team�So, I used SYNPHOT�to calculate it and sent the result along with the method back. W00t. I learned new things in the process. Learning rawks...as long as itapos;s useful and makes sense.

I think the rest of the day will be reserved for studying physics. I am a bit ahead on my hours for the pay period, so no need to work my fingers to the bone. Plus, I�can always work on my code/presentation for Tuesday if I feel any work guilt. But Iapos;m sure Iapos;ll wake up in the middle of the night again and do work then.

and just having fun site myspace.com, composite ui application block, composite uav, composite types, composite type.

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